Main Window

There are three parts to the main window of GDocsDrive. The top-left part displays the most commonly used categories from your Google Docs account, while the bottom-left part shows the collections tree. The right pane shows all the files and collections contained in the selected category or collection.

The layout of this window is very similar to the old-style Google Docs webpage, so if you are a long-time user of Google Docs, you will be very familiar with this. The purpose of GDocsDrive is to map Google Docs as a GDrive on your desktop, so you can manage your Google Docs account as easily as your local files. At the same time, the layout of the main window is also very similar to Windows Explorer, so you can easily figure out how to use it with the knowledge you already have.

Usually, you can manage the selected item through the main menu, the toolbar, or by right-clicking on the item. Most operations are that easy and straightforward.
